


What you should know

A real estate appraisal is like taking a snapshot of a property to figure out how much it’s worth. Imagine you’re trying to understand the value of your real estate, and you ask an unbiased friend how much they think it’s worth. We consider things like where the property is located, what type is it, and what is the purpose of the report. A real estate appraiser visits the property, analyzes the size, condition, features, and compares it to similar properties that have recently sold nearby. Then, they use all that info to come up with an educated guess about how much the property could sell for in the subject’s market area. It’s crucial because it helps buyers, sellers, lenders, and insurers understand the value of the property they’re dealing with. The most commonly used approaches are the Sales Comparison Approach, the Cost Approach and the Income Approach.

The Sales Comparison Approach

The Sales Comparison Approach is like comparing your property to others that have recently sold. This includes all kinds of properties, from houses and condos to commercial spaces like office buildings and retail stores. Appraisers look at things like size, number of rooms, location, and condition to find similar properties. By comparing these features, they figure out how much your property is worth compared to others in the area. This method helps appraisers give a fair estimate of your property’s value, whether it’s a cozy home in the suburbs, a trendy city apartment, or a bustling commercial space downtown. It’s all about making sure you know what your property is worth when you’re buying or selling, so you can make smart decisions in the real estate world.

The income Approach

The Income Approach is like looking at how much money your property could make. This method works for all sorts of properties, including residential homes, condos, multi-family buildings, commercial spaces like office buildings and retail stores, and industrial properties. Appraisers figure out the potential rental income your property could generate and use that to estimate its value. They also consider things like operating expenses and how much other similar properties are renting for. This helps them give you a fair idea of what your property is worth in the market. So whether you’re renting out a cozy home, managing a bustling storefront, or overseeing an industrial warehouse, the Income Approach helps you understand the money-making potential of your property, guiding your decisions in the real estate world.

The Cost Approach

The Cost Approach is like figuring out how much it would cost to build your property from scratch. It’s used for all sorts of properties, whether residential like homes, condos, and multi-family buildings, or commercial and industrial spaces like office buildings, retail stores, and warehouses. Appraisers consider the cost of materials, labor, and local contractor rates to estimate the replacement or reproduction value of your property. This approach also factors in depreciation, which accounts for wear and tear over time which may be different depending on the care by the owners. Marshall Valuation services might be consulted to get accurate cost estimates. By analyzing these factors, appraisers can determine a fair market value for your property based on its build quality and condition. So, whether you’re considering a cozy home, a bustling storefront, or a spacious industrial facility, the Cost Approach helps you understand the potential costs involved, guiding your decisions in the real estate market.

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Property Types


Multifamily properties consist of residential buildings with multiple housing units, such as apartment complexes, condominiums, townhouses, or duplexes. These properties are designed to accommodate several households within the same structure, offering rental or ownership opportunities for individuals or families.


Commercial properties encompass buildings or land primarily used for conducting business activities, such as office buildings, retail stores, shopping centers, hotels, and restaurants. These properties are typically leased or rented out to tenants for commercial purposes.


Industrial properties include facilities used for manufacturing, warehousing, distribution, or research and development activities. These properties often feature large open spaces, high ceilings, heavy-duty infrastructure, and specialized equipment to accommodate industrial operations.

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